The adventures of the Spruce Moose
Some trips become more then an adventure, they become a beacon in life that reminds you of the direction we should go. This past week was the case. Traveling back to Alaska with my good friends Angela Wiemeersch AKA VanStein, Rib Hillis and photographer Cam Mcleod was epic. I have no doubt that I will remember this adventure on the rocking horse of time with warmest of heart. We climbed deep on the Matanuska glacier camping for four days on the ice. We put up new lines across the glacier and enjoyed the simple pleasures of life removed from civilization. We started our adventure from points across the country, (Bozeman, Los Angles, Salt Lake City) meeting in Anchorage to embark on summer ice climbing. We chain sawed a camper van nicked named the "Spruce Moose" out of the woods in Talkeetna and so began one of the best weeks of my life. We made friends with gold miners in Willow AK, drank scotch out of the bottle for breakfast and ate Reindeer for dinner. A full trip report and photo spread will be released later this year but sufficed to say the climbing and company could not have been better. In the last frontier I found a renewed hope for friendship and adventure. Log live team Spruce Moose. I could not be more thankful to Trango climbing who has believed in this "back country" ice climber and enabled me to live my dream, also a big shoutout to Kuhl, and Salewa Boots. Great adventures don't happen without the help and belief of great gear and partners.
Mapping out the trip in front of the Spruce Moose.